

Securing data systems is a major ongoing challenge in today's world, and our Cybersecurity and Network Systems degree program can prepare you to enter this exciting and challenging field. 越来越需要更多有实践经验的专业人员.

分析师的工作是解决网络攻击问题,防止黑客窃取数据或在网络中造成破坏. Information security analysts’ responsibilities continue to expand as the number of cyber attacks increase, leading to an increase in the number of professionals needed in the field today. Some of the leading industries for cybersecurity professionals are finance and insurance, information, 计算机系统与管理. 十大网赌网站大全的课程为学生在这些要求网络安全分析师的行业中的众多职业机会做好准备.


该计划的学生将接触到基于现实的情况和项目,由经验丰富的教师协助. 该计划将通过实践在实际公司中发生的特定学科和责任,使学生在操作系统和网络技术方面精通技术.

十大网赌网站大全提供全包价格,并与学生合作,以确保他们有完整的大学资金, 包括经济援助, 在开始上课之前. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.



$300......Learning Fee





住房和膳食计划的定价 can be found here.

CompTIA Security+

The CompTIA Security+考试将证明成功的考生具有安装和配置系统以确保应用程序安全所需的知识和技能, networks, and devices; perform threat analysis and respond with appropriate mitigation techniques; participate in risk mitigation activities; and operate with an awareness of applicable policies, laws, and regulations. The successful candidate will perform these tasks to support the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.



入门级Python程序员认证表明个人熟悉通用的计算机编程概念,如数据类型, containers, functions, conditions, loops, 以及Python编程语言语法, semantics, 运行时环境.

CompTIA A+ 

CompTIA A+220-1001涵盖移动设备, 网络技术, hardware, 虚拟化和云计算以及网络故障排除. 

CompTIA A+ 

CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, 软件故障排除和操作程序.  

当今的组织面临着快速检测网络安全漏洞和有效响应安全事件的挑战. Teams of people in Security Operations Centers (SOCs) keep a vigilant eye on security systems, protecting their organizations by detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats. CCNA网络行动准备候选人开始与soc内的助理级网络安全分析师合作的职业生涯.

In addition, 美国国防部(DoD)已批准将思科CCNA网络运营认证纳入DoD 8570.01-M适用于CCSP分析师和CCSP事件响应者类别.

A Career in 网络安全和网络系统 Offers a Variety of Opportunities 

According to the U.S. 劳工统计局和行业组织, 在可预见的未来,以网络安全为重点的网络行业的就业机会预计将远远好于平均水平.

随着越来越多的公司转向互联网, 美国许多行业对网络安全专业人员的需求正在迅速增加.

Most computer jobs, 尤其是那些拥有大公司的公司, 大都市区都有吗, 哪些项目毕业后可能需要搬迁.

Typically, students would enter the field as a network technician or network operator. 在进一步的经验之后, 职位头衔将包括IT安全专家, infosec technician, 信息安全经理, IT安全分析师和网络安全顾问.    

Graduates also have the ability to continue their education at a four-year college or university, 通常作为大三学生, 通过转学机会.



以下结果是技能, behaviors, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Science in Cybersecurity and Network Systems major:

  • 分析问题,并为解决方案制定一个合乎逻辑的计划.
  • Design, implement, maintain and troubleshoot a small business network.
  • 记录网络架构、硬件和软件.
  • Perform common and administrative tasks on multiple operating platforms.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of protocols used in networking.
  • 识别和描述网络安全的当前趋势.
  • 安装和配置基于pc的安全软件(杀毒软件), anti-malware, 密码管理及浏览器管理).
  • Utilize current industry tools to identify, analyze and document network traffic.
  • Configure a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for secure communication over insecure networks.
  • 配置和实现防火墙以保护网络基础设施.
  • Install, configure and implement a secure wireless network infrastructure.
  • Interact effectively in both technical and non-technical environments.

学生学习成果(slo)是学生在完成课程后能够做什么的陈述. 它们代表了一个项目确定的对学生从该项目中获得的最重要的知识和技能,包括成功技能(机构成果)和项目成果. slo是具体的和可测量的,因此该项目可以准确地评估学生达到每个结果的程度, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program and increase student success. 


1)表现出良好的批判性思维, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2)运用数学方法, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3)表现出社会意识, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.


5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory and laboratory skills.

6)培养道德价值观, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, mind, body and spirit.

7)将内容材料整合到工作中,并应用学科特定的知识和技能,成功地转移或有效地满足实习的期望, workplace, 志愿服务和/或创业努力.


Program Outcomes

以下结果是技能, behaviors, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Science in Cybersecurity and Network Systems major:

  • 分析问题,并为解决方案制定一个合乎逻辑的计划.
  • Design, implement, maintain and troubleshoot a small business network.
  • 记录网络架构、硬件和软件.
  • Perform common and administrative tasks on multiple operating platforms.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of protocols used in networking.
  • 识别和描述网络安全的当前趋势.
  • 安装和配置基于pc的安全软件(杀毒软件), anti-malware, 密码管理及浏览器管理).
  • Utilize current industry tools to identify, analyze and document network traffic.
  • Configure a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for secure communication over insecure networks.
  • 配置和实现防火墙以保护网络基础设施.
  • Install, configure and implement a secure wireless network infrastructure.
  • Interact effectively in both technical and non-technical environments.

Retention Rates

Retention rates are determined by the Office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:
  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, Non Degree, 在线军事和大学中心.
  • Potential for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
Academic Year Retention Rate
2014 65%
2015 63%
2016 50%
2017 45%
2018 43%


Graduation Rates 

Graduation rates are determined by the Office of Institutional Research. 确保有适当的时间收集数据, this report will be run and posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. The following criteria will be utilized for the calculation of graduation rates:

  • Overall Program Completion Rate is defined as a percentage of the ratio: 

    All students with the program in their history of programs of study

  • For the purposes of reporting, the program completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • 通过授予学位或证书,学生被认为已经完成或从课程或证书中毕业.
  • 一个学生被认为是在一个学习项目中从事活动的时间,他们在一个项目或证书中处于活跃状态. 这是通过在学习课程期间的学习计划状态为“a”来定义的.  学生在继续学习课程的同时,是否应该进入或退出一个学习项目的积极状态, 十大网赌网站大全只考虑学生的活动,而该项目在该特定的学习项目中处于活跃状态.
Academic Year Graduation Rate
2014 29%
2015 50%
2016 20%
2017 55%


In January 2020, Hocking College became one of 35 other secondary schools to be awarded a 选择俄亥俄第一基金.

这笔价值65,600美元的赠款来自于 俄亥俄州高等教育局 会为加入学院的学生提供奖学金吗 网站及应用程序开发 and 网络安全和网络 programs.




What is the job market for those who graduate from the 网络安全和网络系统 program?

According to the 劳工统计局, the job outlook for graduates in the field of 网络安全和网络系统 is at 28% from 2016 - 2026. 这远远高于7%的平均就业前景.

What kind of programs do the 网络安全和网络系统 class use?

At Hocking College, 十大网赌网站大全使用各种各样的程序和操作系统来习惯当前的行业工具. 十大网赌网站大全使用的一些程序 are Wireshark for analyzing network traffic and Kali Linux and a vast number of its applications. Kali Linux and its applications are typically used within a virtual environment like VirtualBox or VMware.  

You will get experience in Windows-based security tools (Defender, Firewall, etc.),以追求安全性和测试. We also use simulation environments like Packet Tracer for networking as well as Putty and TeraTerm 应用程序在使用物理网络硬件时. 您还将使用Linux操作系统,如 Raspbian, Ubuntu and other programs like the Security Onion as you pursue the 网络安全和网络系统 degree.

What is Cisco?

思科是美国最大的科技公司之一.S. 他们还通过创建由思科网络学院提供的教育课程,从事慈善工作. 这些课程针对当前的行业需求,是认证准备课程,为您准备相关的行业认可的认证. Hocking College offers many courses through Cisco’s Networking Academy.  

What certifications will I have received when I complete the program?

  • 思科认证

  • CompTIA A+认证

  • CompTIA安全+认证

  • 思科CCNA安全认证

  • EC-Council认证道德黑客认证

  • 由Python Institute创建的新的Python证书  

What is a typical semester like in the 网络安全和网络系统 program?

你的典型学期将包括包括讲座的课程, group discussions and labs that involve both physical equipment and simulation environments. Your knowledge will be tested through assessments of written and hands-on formats. 还有项目课程, 你也会有通识教育课程,这样你就可以为你未来潜在的职业生涯的各个方面做好准备.


Credits earned at Hocking College will transfer to many four-year institutions. We also have agreements with Akron University for a 2+2 degree and a 3+1 degree with Franklin University. In this agreement, 你可以在十大网赌网站大全学习3年,在富兰克林大学学习1年,然后获得学士学位.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 资源转移中心.

Short term certificates are industry focused and designed to prepare you to go to work.

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Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
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